Freedom Walk

More than 30 million Americans are struggling with some form of an eating disorder. It is estimated that only 1 in 10 individuals receive adequate treatment as a result of the high cost of care and limitations of most insurance plans.

In an effort to change this statistic, KHF has begun a movement across the county to bring increased awareness to this devastating illness while raising funds for treatment through their FREEDOM WALKS.


KHF is committed to giving hope, support and the monetary assistance necessary to receive lifesaving care to those seeking freedom from their eating disorders.

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Organize a Freedom Walk


Team up with The Kirsten Haglund Foundation and organize a Freedom Walk to help raise money for those who cannot afford eating disorder treatment.

You will receive a Freedom Walk Planning Guide and be connected with a walk coordinator to help step you through the process.

To get started email or fill out the form.

Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Additional Resources

About Us

The Kirsten Haglund Foundation continues the work that Kirsten began as Miss America 2008 – raising awareness of this illness – while also providing resources and scholarships for those seeking treatment.
We pursue our mission without regard to religion - race - nationality - gender - ethnic origin - or sexual identity - and believe - Recovery Is Possible!

Love your body. Rock the world.

© 2023 Kirsten Haglund Foundation. All Rights Reserved.