"By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;"
Proverbs 24:3
The Missing Piece
The story we often hear from those struggling with recovery, is a wish for more time in a supportive environment to strengthen newly acquired coping skills, time to adjust to activities of daily life and to find a supportive community as part of one’s recovery journey. Oftentimes geography presents a challenge to find the professional level of care to meet the needs of recovery.
Our Vision - Going Virtual
We are happy to announce the KHF "Virtual Transitional Living Program (VTLP)" to give adults (18 years of age or older) extended assistance in their eating disorder recovery journey in a welcoming and supportive environment. Additionally, scholorship opportunities are available on a sliding scale basis to assist with financial barriers
The Support Model
Those in the VTLP would be part of a “family like” atmosphere and have the opportunity to strengthen coping skills, and receive support in adjusting to activities of daily life. This ‘transitional living’ support model will assist individuals coming from a treatment environment into community life. When geography is a barrier to access adjunct specialized supportive care, the virtual structure will be an asset.
What We Offer
Individuals who join the VTLP will have options to participate in weekly:
Coaching Support
- With a Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach.
Meal Support (1-3 times/week)
- An opportunity to eat together virtually for added support of positive coping skills to implement during meals.
Community Support Group
- An opportunity to share recovery wins and struggles in a family-like environment.
Recovery Skills Workshop
- Topics include day-to-day activities that might present a challenge for individuals recovering from an eating disorder, such as grocery shopping, nutritional strategies, clothes shopping, budgeting, and more.
Prayer Support
- An opportunity for recovering individuals to come together in faith.
*Al la carte options are available
How To Apply
Thank you for your interest in our Virtual Transitional Living Program. If you are looking for more support in your recovery journey and seeking freedom from your eating disorder, this program may be right for you. We believe complete recovery is possible!
To request an application or for more information please fill out the form below.
We Need Your Help
KHF is very excited about this new venture and believe it will be a healing piece for many in their recovery journey. Your kind donation will help make this possible and accessible to all who wish to pursue this “transitional living concept” in their recovery journey.

Jeff Ohler Memorial Scholarship
Kaylin, our first scholarship recipient, shares her story of recovery. It is our honor with Kaylin's support, to create the Jeff Ohler Memorial Scholarship. This is the first scholarship available to some one who needs extra assistance to be a participant in the VTLP. We are greateful to Kaylin and her family for this legacy of love gifted to KHF.